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AIR 6+m Smile (Boy)
  • AIR 6+m Smile (Boy)

AIR 6+m Smile (Boy)

105 MAD


The MAM Air 6+m Soother - Blue are perfectly designed to see your baby's smile and allow extra air flow to baby's skin. The MAM SkinSoft teat feels completely familiar with a proud 94% acceptance rate and is designed with a symmetrically shaped teat, meaning they are always in the right position. Because babies grow quickly, MAM Soothers come in three different sizes that are ideal for healthy jaw and teeth development. Packed in the convenient Steriliser box, the MAM Soothers are great for parents on the go as they can sterilised anywhere.

Product Features:

  • Shield which offers extra air flow to babies delicate skin
  • Allows baby's precious smile to shine through
  • Symmetric SkinSoft Silicone teat - easily accepted by babies
  • Orthodontic soothers which have been designed and developed with dentists
  • Self Sterilising travel box makes it easy to clean on the go!

Age recommendation: 6m+

Dimensions: 9 x 4.5 x 12cm

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AIR 6+m Smile (Boy)

AIR 6+m Smile (Boy)

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